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The pandemic with itself has brought in a plethora of problems to the mental health of the people. While the problem remains the same it is very important for us to be able to recover from it. So how exactly do we recuperate post pandemic? Following is a list of simple practices towards a healthy lifestyle that can effectively help us recover and find our mental peace back again.

Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Meditation: while this may sound the most repetitive thing, it is the fundamental of mental stability and a healthy lifestyle. It is initially very difficult to find our focus and stay calm but eventually you start feeling composed. For people who have gone through traumatic Covid-19 experiences or feel the grief of their loved one, meditation is one way for your soul to find its way back.
  2. Gratitude: Being grateful for surviving the pandemic is the one important step to thank the universe for. Not everyone could survive, be it health or wealth if you have shelter and food you are living a very sustainable life. While some people do practice gratitude journaling as well. If we start being thankful for what we have, our source of happiness will widen.
  3. Talking it out: If you are sad, cry it out. If you feel happy express it. If you feel stressed, and emotionally unstable, consult a therapist. Be someone’s listener if required. Talking it out will release your baggage and will help you then think in a more stable mind.
  4. Sports/physical activity: Instead of leading on to toxic substances, walk your way to a gym nearby to went that energy. Since we are all inside our homes since the past 1 year our bodies have lost their stamina be it physical or mental. Sweating and doing things that make you happy will boast in a sense of happiness, release the energy and revive your hormones. Yoga and pranayama are also one of the good habits to inculcate. This will not only help you mentally but gage you towards a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Sleepy cycle: The pandemic has changed all of our sleeping cycles, it may take a day or two to recover but changing those habits will make a difference in your lifestyle. A good massage may also help people to recover from insomnia.